In 2001, the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses made a commitment to actively promote the creation of healthy work environments that support and foster excellence in patient care wherever acute and critical care nurses practice. This commitment is based on the Association’s dedication to optimal patient care and the recognition that the deepening nurse shortage cannot be reversed without healthy work environments that support excellence in nursing practice.
There is mounting evidence that unhealthy work environments contribute to medical errors, ineffective delivery of care, and conflict and stress among health professionals. Negative, demoralizing and unsafe conditions in workplaces cannot be allowed to continue. The creation of healthy work environments is imperative to ensure patient safety, enhance staff recruitment and retention, and
maintain an organization’s financial viability.
This document puts forth six essential standards for establishing and sustaining healthy work environments.
The standards uniquely identify systemic behaviors that are often discounted,
despite growing evidence that they contribute to creating unsafe conditions and obstruct the ability of individuals and organizations to achieve excellence.
The public repeatedly identifies nurses as the profession most trusted to act honestly and ethically.
Five times since 1999 nurses have topped Gallup’s annual survey of honesty and ethics among professions.
The public relies on nurses to bring about bold change that assures safe patient care and sets a path toward excellence. These standards honor the public’s trust.
“If you dare to be powerful,” President Connie Barden urged association members in 2003, “if you are ready to make a promise that will make a difference, I challenge you to join me in making your promise public.”
President Barden signed a public statement of her personal commitment to create a new future with healthy work environments that benefit everyone. She called for nurses to do the same by promising to:
• Identify the most pressing challenge in their immediate work environment.
• Initiate discussions with their colleagues to find solutions to this challenge.
• Remain actively involved in the solutions until they are working.
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